
Heavy rainstorms kill 4 people in southern China. Ten others are missing

Published on 2024-06-03 19:27:08 来源:International Identities news portal

BEIJING (AP) — Heavy rainstorms that swept across southern China over the weekend killed at least four people in riverside cities, while a search was underway for 10 others missing, state media said Monday.

The official Xinhua news agency said three people died in Zhaoqing city while one rescuer died in Shaoguan city. It didn’t say when or how they died.

The two cities in Guangdong province are among the worst hit areas of sustained torrential rains that began late last week.

Footage on state broadcaster CCTV showed rescuers in rubber boats evacuating residents from inundated shopping streets and residential areas.

By Monday, about 110,000 people had been evacuated across the province, while 25,800 people were in emergency shelters, according to Xinhua.

In Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong province, the government said that as of 10 a.m. (0200GMT) on Monday, the city had logged a cumulative rainfall of 60.9 centimeters (24 inches) in April — the highest monthly rainfall since record-keeping began in 1959.

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