
Fencing mom Arianna Errigo and high jumper Gianmarco Tamberi named Italy's Olympic flagbearers

Published on 2024-06-03 20:48:15 来源:International Identities news portal

ROME (AP) — A fencing mother of twins and a high-jumping symbol of Italy’s success at the Tokyo Olympics will be the country’s flagbearers at the Paris Games opening ceremony.

Arianna Errigo and Gianmarco Tamberi were selected on Monday by the Italian Olympic Committee for the honor at the July 26 ceremony.

Errigo, who will be competing in her fourth Olympics, has won medals in each color. At the 2012 London Games, she was on the Azzurri squad that won gold in the team foil and also took silver in the individual event. Three years ago in Tokyo, she won a bronze in the team event.

Then last year Errigo gave birth to twins, who she now brings along to her competitions.

“She’s a great example of how mothers can still compete at the highest levels of their sport,” Italian Olympic Committee president Giovanni Malagò said.

Tamberi, who is entering his third Olympics, tied for gold with Mutaz Barshim of Qatar in Tokyo and is also the reigning world and European champion in the high jump.

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